Horn Rapids Motorsports Complex - MX RULES

Version 23-111

03-10-2025: Revised wording in “Classes” Section

Table of Contents

  1. Motocross Riders and Eligibility
    • General
    • Rider Age and Gender
    • Class Age Restrictions
    • Classification and Advancement
  1. Motocross Equipment
    • Motorcycle
    • Rider Apparel
  1. Motocross Event
    • Practice
    • Starting Line
    • Staggered Start
    • Qualifiers and Heats
    • On Track Regulations
    • Course Cutting
    • Flags
    • Electronic Caution Lights
    • Stopping of a Race
    • Classes
    • Scoring
    • Protests
    • Trophies and Pro Pay
    • Series Championship
  1. General Complex Rules
    • Penalties
    • Motorized Vehicles
    • Facilities
    • Concussion Policy


  1. Motocross Riders and Eligibility


  • General
    1. No riders, mechanics, or anyone associated with riders may consume, or be under the influence of, intoxicants or drugs that could affect their normal mental or physical ability. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in disqualification of the rider.
    2. Riders and/or family and pit crew who direct foul and abusive language at HRMC staff and track crew, other competitors, and/or family members are subject to disqualification for the entire meet or suspension from facilities.
    3. The rider must be able to control their motorcycle at all times, and to ride it safely. This includes stopping, starting, standing still, mounting, dismounting, and putting one or both feet on the ground. The referee has the authority to disqualify a rider who can’t safely control their motorcycle.
    4. Any rider under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent, legal guardian, or authorized adult during the entire event.


  • Rider Age and Gender
    1. No rider will be under the age of 2 for riding in our electric bicycle class (Staycyc) or under the age of 3 for riding in the motorcycle or electric motorcycle classes.
    2. A rider must be 14 or older to ride a 201-250cc motorcycle. A rider must be 16 or older to ride a 251cc or above motorcycle.
    3. The rider age for rules 1.2.a and 1.2.b are determined as the date of the event
    4. Age and gender will be determined by the original birth certificate. A person whose gender identity does not match their original birth certificate should contact the HRMC for exception eligibility.


  • Class Age Restrictions
    1. Class age will be determined by age as of January 1 of the current year.
    2. Rider is allowed to move up in age group, but once they move up, they cannot move down.
    3. for veteran classes, riders are allowed to run younger classes, but must stay in same class level.
    4. No rider is allowed to ride as more than one age during any event.
  • Classification and Advancement


  1. 1
Classification Description
A Pro
B Intermediate
C Junior
D Beginner
Novice Beginner (D) and Junior (C)
Expert Intermediate (B) and Pro (A)


  1. A rider may choose at any time to advance to a higher classification.
  2. Participation in, or advancement to, a higher class in any event by any rider will result in permanent advancement to that higher class unless approved by HRMC scoring staff.
  3. A Rider will be advanced from D class to C class at the end of the year after one(1) series championship win or after accumulating 125 series points.
  4. Once a rider has been advanced out of the D class, they will not be permitted to reenter the D class including when changing motorcycle cc sizes.
  5. A Rider will be advanced from C class to D class at the end of the year after one(1) series championship win or after accumulating 125 series points.
  6. HRMC officials will be randomly monitoring various lap times and results. If it is determined that a rider is above or below their skill level, HRMC has the right to adjust classes accordingly in regard to safety and ability.
  7. If a rider decides during the year that they want to move themselves up in classes, they will be allowed to take up to 50% of their series points into the next class.
  8. If HRMC officials have to move a rider up a class due to a protest, rider will forfeit all points in current class and start new class at 0 points.


  • Appeals
    1. If a rider believes that they are not capable of competing as the higher-class rider, they may appeal (once per season) in writing to HRMC officials.
    2. Each case will be considered individually.
    3. Riders returned to a lower class are only those who officials consider completely non-competitive in the class they are leaving and who won’t dominate the class they are returning to.
    4. A rider returning to competition after several years must request to be reverted as explained above and can’t move back a class automatically or without HRMC permission.
    5. Failure to comply may result in suspension or other disciplinary action.





  1. Motocross Equipment


  • Motorcycle
    1. Riders are allowed to use the same bike for multiple classes as long as the rider and the motorcycle meet the requirements of the class.
    2. More than one rider is allowed to use the same motorcycle as long as they are not in the same class.
    3. Classes allow modified motorcycles unless otherwise stated as “STK”/ stock. STK classes must run with a motorcycle as it comes from the factory.
    4. Three number plates, one on the left and right side and one on the front forks, are required and must be mounted securely and clearly visible.
    5. Numbers must be clearly legible. It is recommended that the number plates are black with white numbers or white with black numbers.
      • Low contrasting numbers (gray on black) are not considered legible.
    6. It is recommended that numbers are 5-inch-high standard block letters. Nothing other than the numbers are to be put on the number plate except for the top 2 inches of the front plate that can be used for sponsors or rider name.
    7. Numbers on the motorcycle and the rider must match.


  • Rider Apparel
    1. Protective pants must be made of a durable material.
    2. Rider must wear a long sleeve shirt or jersey.
    3. It is recommended that a chest and back protector be worn.
    4. It is recommended that in addition to numbers on the motorcycle, the rider also put their number on the back of their jersey or chest protector.
    5. Boots must go over the ankle with a minimum 8 inches high.
    6. All riders must use a shatterproof face shield or goggles.
    7. Helmets are mandatory at all times when riding and must be full face when on any of our tracks. Helmet must conform to a recognized standard and have a label affixed certifying its approval.
    8. It is recommended that all hair past shoulder length and protruding from helmet must be tucked inside the helmet, jersey and/ or secured as to not protrude below shoulders.


  1. Motocross Events


  • Practice
    1. On the day of the event, only riders that have signed up may practice on the track
    2. Riding on the track is only permitted during the rider’s scheduled practice.
    3. Riders must give the practice ticket received from registration to the staff at the starting line to get onto the track.
    4. If you are caught taking extra practices, you will be penalized at the start gate by 15 seconds in each class you signed up for. The same penalty can occur in the result of entering the track at non designated start areas. You must have a current practice ticket and arm band for that day. This is strictly enforced by gate officials.
    5. All riders must complete one lap before cutting any of the track into sections. Violations of this rule may lead up to a one lap penalty.


  • Starting Line
    1. A rider is allowed to use a staff approved device to raise the level of their feet at the start of an event so long as they are removed immediately after the start.
    2. When a rider chooses their location on the starting line, they are not allowed to change their position.
    3. A rider must start in the middle and perpendicular to the gate and the front wheel no further away from the gate than 12 inches.
    4. No tools other than a broom, hands and feet are allowed to clean or groom the riders starting area. No liquid may be added in the rider’s starting area. Grooming in front of the gate is forbidden except for the concrete pad directly in front of the riders starting area.
    5. Riders must be present and ready when called to the starting area. If they are not present, they forfeit their gate pick, and the next rider will be called. The starter will only allow one delay of up to two minutes if a rider signals.
    6. In the event of a false start, the race will be red flagged and restarted as soon as possible.
    7. In the event of a rider leaving before the starting gate is dropped, either by going over or through the starting gate, will be penalized one lap.


  • Staggered Start
    1. A staggered start, or split gate, is when more than one gate drop is used for a single moto.
    2. Riders must leave the starting gate with their group, leaving with the wrong group is considered jumping the gate.


  • Qualifiers and Heats
    1. If it is determined that there is an excessive number of riders signed up for a class, qualifying heats will be run in the following manner.
    2. Riders are divided into two or more groups, using each group as a first heat that qualifies them to the second moto. A rider must obtain a qualifying position from the first moto or LCQ to start the second moto.
    3. If two heats are used, the top riders from each heat will advance directly to the second moto. Any riders not placing in the top will race a last-chance qualifier where the top finishers transfer to the second moto. A rider’s qualifying finish will count as their first moto score. Riders transferring from the last chance qualifier will receive a first moto score equal to their last-chance qualifier finish, plus the number of riders taken from each heat.
    4. The winner of the first heat will receive the first gate choice, followed by the winner of the second heat then second from the first heat and so on until all qualified riders have received a starting position.


  • On Track Regulations
    1. Once the rider has crossed the starting line, they are deemed on track.
    2. A rider whose motorcycle becomes disabled before the finish line may, without assistance, push or carry the motorcycle across the finish line to receive the checkered flag. At HRMC official’s discretion, a rider may be instructed to leave the track and will be considered to have crossed the finish line.
    3. If a rider stops for any reason during a moto, they must restart without outside assistance. However, if a rider falls, is blocking the course, or is endangering themselves or other riders, may receive help to move their motorcycle to a safe position without interfering with competition.
      • Outside assistance is allowed for our 0-51cc riders and our 65cc beginner riders
    4. No spectators, parents, family, or mechanics are allowed on the track, Riders can be disqualified as a result.
      • 0-51cc and 65 beginner classes, parent/Mechanic 1 per rider will be allowed onto the track in a safe manner to coach and assist the rider. Any Parent/Mechanic interfering in the advancement or progress of the other racers on the track surface will be grounds for disqualification of their rider.
    5. Any rider who is injured and continues to ride and becomes a hazard to other riders or self, will be black flagged and removed from the track. They will not be disqualified unless they fail to comply with the black flag.
    6. A rider who rides in a way that endangers HRMC staff, other riders, or the public is subject to disqualification from the event.


  • Course Cutting
    1. Leaving the designated racecourse is forbidden. A rider must make every effort to always stay on the course.
    2. A rider who was forced off the course may continue to race by properly reentering the track at the closest safe point. While off the track a rider may not accelerate in an unsafe manner or attempt to gain an advantage.
    3. If a rider is determined to gain an advantage while off the track, the penalty will be a loss of finishing positions, up to disqualification from that moto.


  • Flags
    1. Green: Start of race.
    2. White: One lap to go until finish of race.
    3. Black and white checkered: End of race.
    4. Yellow: Caution. Riders must ride cautiously until they have passed the incident. When displayed there is no passing or gaining an advantage and jumps must be rolled between the flag and the incident. Failure to show caution may result in loss of positions or disqualification.
    5. White with red cross: Medical on course, extreme caution. Riders must show extreme caution, slow down, maintain position, not gain an advantage, and the wheels of the motorcycle must not leave the ground between the flag and the incident. Failure to do so may result in loss of positions or disqualification.
    6. Red: Stopping of the race for an emergency. Return cautiously to the starting line and wait for further instructions.
    7. Blue: indicates that you are about to be overtaken by faster riders. Hold your line and don’t impede the faster riders.
    8. Black: Disqualification of rider. Report to the referee at once.


  • Electronic Caution Lights
    1. Flashing yellow: the same as a yellow flag, caution.
    2. Flashing red: same as a white with red cross flag, medical on course, extreme caution.
    3. Solid red: same as a red flag, return to starting line.


  • Stopping of race
    1. If the race leader has gone less than 60% of the total race (rounded down to the nearest whole number of laps) the race will be restarted from the beginning.
    2. If the race leader has gone more than 60% of the total race at the time of the stopping of the moto, the race will be considered completed and scored from the last completed lap prior to the red flag being displayed.


  • Classes






Class Age requirement Engine size Engine type
50cc 4-6 Stk 4-6 Years old 0-51cc 2 or 4-stroke
Big track. Stock. Single-speed automatic.
50cc 7-8 Stk 7-8 Years old 0-51cc 2 or 4-stroke
Big Track. Stock. Single-speed automatic.
50cc Open 4-8 Years old 0-51cc 2 or 4-stroke
Big Track. Single-speed automatic. Maximum (adjusted length) wheelbase 41 inches. Maximum wheel size 12 inches.
50cc Beg Stk 3-8 3-8 Years old 0-51cc 2 or 4-stroke
Small Track. Stock. Single-speed automatic.
50 PW Stk 3-8 3-8 Years old 0-51cc 2 or 4-stroke

Small track. Stock. 2-stroke oil-injected.

Mini-E Jr 3-6 3-6 Years Old 1 kWh Battery Electric
Small track.
Class Age requirement Engine size Engine type
65cc 7-9 7-9 years old 59-65cc 2-stroke
65cc 10-11 10-11 years old 59-65cc 2-stroke
Junior and intermediate riders.
65cc Beg 7-11 7-11 years old 59-65cc 2-stroke
Beginner riders only.
65cc Open 7-11 years old 59-65cc 2-stroke
Class Age requirement Engine size Engine type
85cc 9-11 9-11 years old 79-85cc 2-stroke
85cc 12-15 12-15 years old 79-85cc 2-stroke
Junior and intermediate riders. Maximum wheelbase 51.5 inches.
85cc Beg 9-11 9-11 years old 79-85cc 2-stroke
85cc Beg 12-15 12-15 years old 79-85cc 2-stroke
Beginner riders only. Maximum wheelbase 51.5 inches.
85cc Open and Supermini 9-16 9-16 years old 79-112cc 2-stroke
75-150cc 4-stroke
Maximum wheelbase 52.5 inches. Maximum front wheel size 19 inches. Maximum rear wheel size 16 inches.
Class Age requirement Engine size Engine type
Schoolboy 1 12-16 years old 86-125cc 2-stroke
75-150cc 4-stroke
Minimum front wheel size 19 inches. Minimum rear wheel size 16 inches.
Schoolboy 2 12-17 years old 122-150cc 2-stroke
126-250cc 4-stroke
Minimum wheelbase 53 inches. No minicycle or Supermini.
Collegeboy 18-24 years old 122cc-open 2 or 4-stroke
Minimum wheelbase 53 inches. No minicycle or Supermini.
Class Age requirement Engine size Engine type
250* n/a 122-250cc 2 or 4-stroke
Open* n/a 122cc-Open 2 or 4-stroke
25+* 25 or older 122cc-Open 2 or 4-stroke
30+* 30 or older 122cc-Open 2 or 4-stroke
40+* 40 or older 122cc-Open 2 or 4-stroke
50+* 50 or older 122cc-Open 2 or 4-stroke
60+* 60 or older 122cc-Open 2 or 4-stroke
Minimum wheelbase of 53 inches
Class Age requirement Engine size Engine type
Girls Jr 9-12 9-12 years old 59-85cc 2-stroke
Maximum wheelbase 51.5 inches.
Girls Sr 12-16 12-16 years old 79-112cc 2-stroke
75-150cc 4-stroke
Maximum wheelbase 51.5 inches. Maximum front wheel size 17 inches. Minimum rear wheel size 12 inches, maximum rear wheel size 16 inches.
Women 12+ 12 or older 99-250cc 2 or 4-stroke
No restrictions other than listed above
Class Age requirement Wheel size Engine type
Staycyc 2-3 12in 2-3 years old 12 inches Electric
Must be stock Staycyc brand electric bicycle. Maximum wheel size 12 inches.
Staycyc 2-3 16in 2-3 years old 16 inches Electric
Must be stock Staycyc brand electric bicycle. Maximum wheel size 16 inches.
Staycyc 4-6 Open 4-6 years old 12-16 inches Electric
Staycyc 7-12 Open 7-12 years old 12-16 inches Electric
Must be Staycyc brand electric bicycle. Maximum wheel size 16 inches.


  • Scoring
    1. Each rider is entitled to examine their timing and scoring sheets with the head scorer, or referee.
    2. No official announcement of race winners may be made until the final results have been posted and the 30-minute protest period has expired. Results may not be altered except by HRMC or the appeal process after the results have been deemed final.
    3. It’s the rider’s responsibility to ensure number legibility. If a rider appeals their score and their racing numbers were not properly displayed, a protest will be disallowed. There will be no exceptions to this rule.
    4. Riders earn points in each moto according to their finishing positions. A rider must finish at least one moto to receive an overall finishing position.
      • Points awarded per moto are 1 point for first, 2 points for second, 3 points for third, etc. The rider accumulating the fewest points after all motos are completed is the overall class winner. In case of a tie, the winner is the rider with the better finishing position in the final moto.
    5. Riders who are running a transponder will take priority to those who are not running a transponder when the moto is being scored.
      • If rider A comes across the finish line before rider B, but B has a transponder and A does not, B is scored first.
    6. A rider who did not take the checkered flag receives points corresponding to the total number of riders entered in the class with a minimum of 20 points. This will be shown on the score sheet as DNF.
    7. A rider who didn’t complete one lap will receive a score equal to the total number of riders plus 30 points. This will be shown on the score sheet as a DNS. No riders will be allowed to make up lost laps after the checkered flag.
    8. DQ/Disqualification: A “Moto DQ” results in moto points equal to the total number of riders in the class, plus 40 points. A “Class DQ” will result in exclusion from the class results in all motos for that class only. A “Meet DQ” will result in exclusion from all classes in all motos for the entire meet.
    9. At the sole discretion of the referee, a class may be scored from one moto only.
    10. The rider receiving points in one moto, but failing to participate in another moto, does not forfeit points earned in the other moto.
    11. In the event of a tie in points at the end of a Series, the rider with the most class entries will win the Series title for that event. In the event there is still a tie, the rider with the most wins will be awarded the Series title.


  • Protests
    1. Please receive protest form from rider registration. Registration staff will then notify proper officials for review once the protest has been filed.
    2. Official will contact concerning Parties after review for discussion or decision.
    3. This discussion will be handled in a professional manner. All decisions will be final for that moto.


  • Trophies and Pro Pay
    1. For all classes on the main track other than pro (A) classes, trophies will be awarded to the top third (33.3%) rounded to the nearest whole number.
    2. Riders may receive motobucks in place of a trophy.
    3. Pro classes will receive pro payout instead of trophies.
    4. Pro payout will be 100% of the entry fees for that class paid out to the top 50% of the riders.
    5. Riders receiving pro pay must have a w-2 on file with HRMC for the current year to receive their winnings.


  • Series Championship
    1. A rider must score points in the specified number of race events in the designated series to be eligible for series championship awards.
    2. Riders must ride the same class in each event to be eligible for the championship awards.
      • The only exception is when the rider moves up in skill level of the same class.
    3. Riders championship points will be based on overall finish for each event the number of points is based on the table below.


Place Points Earned
1st 20 pts
2nd 16 pts
3rd 13 pts
4th 11 pts
5th 10 pts
6th 9 pts
7th 8 pts
8th 7 pts
9th 6 pts
10th 5 pts
11th 4 pts
12th 3 pts
13th 2 pts
14th – 17th 1 pt
If there are 18 or more riders in a class, the score table changes to:
Place Points Earned
1st 25 pts
2nd 22 pts
3rd 20 pts
4th 18 pts
5th 16 pts
6th 15 pts
7th 14 pts
8th 13 pts
9th 12 pts
10th 11 pts
11th 10 pt
12th 9 pts
13th 8 pts
14th 7 pts
15th 6 pts
16th 5 pts
17th 4 pts
18th 3 pts
19th 2 pts
20th 1 pt
21st + 0 pts


  1. General Complex Rules


  • Penalties
    1. You or you rider may have penalties up to and including disqualification from the event and suspension from the facilities if these rules are not followed.
    2. There will be no refunds if you are disqualified for any reason. No refunds after practice for that day’s event. Circumstantial situations must be brought to a HRMC track official.


  • Motorized Vehicles
    1. During an event, no motor vehicles are allowed inside the gated area except for HRMC staff and staged vehicles
    2. Riding motorized bikes and quads, including pit bikes, will be allowed within the complex provided they are ridden safely. HRMC may suspend privileges if the rules are not being followed. No riding without helmet, speeding, wheelies or brodie’s. No Passenger can ride on the back of any motorcycle without a helmet.
    3. The complex has a 5-MPH speed limit within the complex. All motorized vehicles, including motorcycles, golf carts, and UTVs/SxS must abide by this limit. Not following this will result in escalating penalties.
      • 1st Verbal Warning.
      • 2nd Always push your bike in the pits.
      • 3rd End of your racing day or banned from the facility.
    4. Power test and tune is to be done in designated trail areas. Test and tune are not allowed race day until 7:30 am.
    5. No spinning of tires (bikes/quads/autos) in grass or gravel.
    6. No motorized vehicles are allowed on the grass area.


  • Facilities
    1. No willful destruction of property, buildings, equipment (this includes the parking area).
    2. Machines must be washed in the designated washing area near the starting line. No washing machines in the RV camping area.
    3. No washing of Machine air filters in bathroom sinks or displacing oil to the ground in an Intentional manner. This is against the law and is punishable by Law. Use proper containers and do not dispose in the dumpsters, take it with you for proper disposal.
    4. All animals must be on a leash and please clean up after your animals.
    5. No bicycles in staging area or grandstand areas.
    6. There is a noise limit in the complex; quiet hour is from 10:00pm to 7:00am. An HRMC official can enforce disqualification for any infraction of this rule.


  • Concussion Policy
    1. HRMC values our rider’s health and safety, and we have a concussion policy that is strictly adhered to.
    2. Please follow our medical staff recommendations and proceed with action to protect your rider or yourself. If you fail the concussion policy test following a concussion you will not be allowed to continue in the event for that day. All Medical staff has the authority to discuss and enforce the concussion policy to the current symptoms.
HRMC Rampage Northwest Off Road SXS Sprint Series Rules

Rampage Northwest Off Road SXS Sprint Series Rules
Introduction to the Rampage Northwest Off Road SXS Sprint Series


Welcome to HRMC a proud family of Off Road enthusiasts.

HRMC is an off road facility the strives to be one of the best in the Northwest with over 35 years of Experience in the Off Road Motorsports Industry.


We too are Enthusiasts and race as well; you have our support in building one of the best competitive side by side facilities for your enjoyment.


We encourage comments ideas and feedback, so please feel free to politely consult with us on your ideas.


The HRMC staff are very dedicated and hard working group of people. Please respect their position with HRMC they have your best interest in mind. With your support and participation, it will help in making this series a success and build a family we can all be proud of. Please spread the word.


Basic Track Race Rules:

HRMC wishes to grow the sport of SXS enthusiast into a family sharing activity and to create a long term series for sport and or career related interests. The Rampage Northwest Off Road Sprint Series is one of the biggest SXS Series events in the Northwest.


Designed for a full time career, weekend enthusiast or part-time sportsman and will help provide a vehicle to learn and adjust to the rules for participation and safety of the series.


All cars must meet minimum manufacture standards and all safety gear must be in proper working order, tech will take place at all events to determine if the car is ready to enter onto the track surface.


Cars will be teched in for safety and to meet class standards prior to racing and or during or before their heat or practice. Brakes, tire condition, steering, ignition, all must be in good working and secure order. Please respect the Tech Officials Opinion as they are concerned about your safety and participation. If you are building a car build to the rules not around them.


Short Course Race Track introduction: (various starting procedures may vary at different associated series tracks).


Driver meeting will follow immediately after practice on the day of the race.

Laps for the Short Course will be around 4 to 8 laps per Heat Mains 7 laps, 2 heats and a main

and scored for final off the Main.

All drivers prior to entering track will report to the staging area to be staged for the staging circle

including practice day of the event.

Rampage Series at the Horn has a rolling start designed through a staging circles and cars will

start in their respective rows… row 1 inside outside, row 2 inside outside and etc. you could also

be placed 3 a breast, inside, middle and outside position 1, 2, 3.

This will be communicated and handled at staging. Once staged in your position you will enter

onto race surface to enter into the staging circle to prep for the start of the event.

First heat run is random pick of cars for position from computer class listing, racing in heat 1

determines your start position for heat 2. Heat 2 will determine position for main.

Main will consist of 6 to 12 laps. Final of main event determines your score for that class.

Cars will enter into staging area and receive instructions from the official for their respective

rows and sides, cars will then be released to the track surface slowly in their chosen and or

respective order in rows.

Cars will then proceed onto track surface slowly in your respective order and enter into staging

circle, then normally one lap around staging circle and come back to the green flag start.

Class will start immediately after the staging circle as long as all cars can reach staging circle.

If cars all maintain rows upon run up, a green flag will be given. (Head row sets pace).

If cars fall out of rows anticipating green flag or other rows jump out of line, then an immediate

yellow will follow and a rerun up to the head flagger will entail. Cars will make another full loop

slowly with lead rows setting pace. No passing until after green flag has been given.

Dangerous, excessive overdriving and or using your car as a weapon for pushing, smashing or

any deliberate act against another driver will not be tolerated.

Class Definitions:

Pro Open 1000:

(Pd Class, no Amateur level driver allowed,

Once in this class Driver cannot race down to any other class. This class cannot qualify for any

other amateur classes once you have run this class. Engine displacement 700cc-1400cc. Turbo

and non Turbo machines.

Modified Machines up to 1400cc Modified Engine displacement, Motor cannot be 1400cc

displacement and then modified, machine framing can be modified, Aftermarket parts allowed

and moved and or modified into relocation points and roll cage must be reinforced with solid

weld and welded to frame as to make the machine fully intact as one). After market cab changes

are approved as bolt on as long as the cab roll cages are reinforced and attached to the stock

channel located at the lowest point of the factory frame. Grade 8 steel bolts and lock washers to

attach the roll cage are mandatory. (Suggested to be welded or tied into rear bumper system of

the main frame area).

Production Turbo/Turbo addition or Supercharger (No injection nitrous fuel injection systems)

Production 1000

Production 900

Production 800

Sportsman Elite Open:

(Amateur driver with at least 1 year of racing experience or has scored enough pts in a series to

not be a beginner operator. Modifications are allowed to frame and shock positions but motor

and trans must remain in stock frame positions without changing the geometry of the drive train).

Turbo and Non Turbo, NON PRO stock and production are allowed.

Manufactures Open class:

(RS-1, YXZ, Texron, Polaris) Classes will compete against like manufactures

Sportsman Open

(Beginner) 1 year or less Experience and or have not won a series in an upper level class and

have not received 100pts for the season.

Women Open


Production 170 (6-12yrs) (stock)

Unlimited 250 (8-16 yrs.)(Stock and Mod)

Practice Series

Scheduled on Rampage Short Course Series Card

$50.00 per driver, $8.00 passenger or Spectator

GP Practice Track Rush (open on facility practice schedule

$50.00 per driver, $8.00 passenger and or spectator

Class Fees:

1st Class $60.00

2nd Class $50.00


Gate Fee Race Event

$15.00 single day, $25.00 2 day.

Overnight Camp Fees: $35.00 Per RV and or tent.

RV Hookups, camping available, heated showers, restrooms, plenty of drinking water.

Renn Race fuel, and Ice available on site

Radio Broadcast HRMC FM 104.1

Practice will start at 830a, racing at 10a the day of the race event.

Organized scheduled practices for the series will start at 10a to that days scheduled end times for

the facility.

Course Flags HEAD FLAGGER: (Officiating Flagger in track stand starting and controlling event)

1. Green: Start

2. White: 1 lap to go.

3. Blue: You are being approached by the leader, do not impede progress, please give way.

4. Black: disqualified from that event (Proceed immediately to staging for instructions)

5. White/Checkered crossed   way to finish.

6. Yellow Flag (slow down no passing, remain in your line for possible restart).

A. Yellow off start, no start drivers are out of line and or off start pace, proceed 1 more lap in staging

circle and get into your respective rows to receive green to go next time around.

B. A cupped Yellow/ green waving alternately from head flagger, warning remain in rows, drivers are out

of line proceed another lap in staging circle to gain green flag. Drivers not remaining in line after

notification can be disqualified.(lead row sets pace).

7. Checkered Flag: Race is finished exit track.


1. Yellow/Red field flag proceed to staging.

2. Yellow field flag: Proceed with caution, do not pass another driver. Resume race following 50ft after

yellow flagged area.

3. Medical Flag (white with Red Cross) Driver in that section requiring attention slow down give way to

medical personnel. (Red flag will most likely follow). No Jumping and or passing, slow down in that


MANDATORY Safety/REQUIRED list to be on the track:

• On-board Fire Extinguisher (mounted outside the drivers side cage bar so that it is easily accessed by

track crew if needed).

• Metal or Plastic Roof

• Doors (fully intact and no openings below the waist)

• Aftermarket roll cage required for non-production 1000cc race classes

• Driver and or co-driver side window nets and/or wrist restraints

• 2” minimum wide,4 or 5 (five) point restraint system for both driver and or co-driver are required

• SFI rated fire race suite is required along with an approved DOT or Snell full face helmet, goggles,

gloves with boots or driving shoes. (Inner helmet Head and Face fire rated protection Advised)

• Tech Inspection sticker on roll cage

• Driver must be minimum 12 years or older to drive full size SXS 600cc or above

SXS (Side by Side). The SXS production rules are designed to keep racing low cost and ensure that what

is raced on the weekend can be purchased on Monday at your local dealer. With that said some

MANDATORY/REQUIRED safety modifications will need to be made to your UTV to pass tech


Production Definition: All stock frame suspension mounting points must remain in the stock/OEM

location and the stock center cases must remain for the engine. All other changes are allowed.

Stock Definition: All stock suspension frame mounting points must remain in the stock/OEM location.

No motor or transmission modifications may be done, and all motor/transmission mechanical components

are to remain OEM and within OEM tolerances for the current model year and same model unit per VIN

number. The full factory air intake system from the primary air box housing to the engine must remain

stock OEM. The air box lid is to remain as delivered by manufacturer. All other changes are allowed.


All youth classes will meet all listed standard car safety standards as SXS , must have head or neck

restraint, window nets or arm restraints, minimum 2” 5 pt harness, closed doors, fire extinguisher and

fully enclosed helmet DOT or Snell Rated with shield, no goggles. Minimum SFI Fire rated suits, head

and face mask, gloves, leather boots and or fire retardant fire shoes. Please note SXS numbering standards

and apply to youth classes.

170cc- (6-12yrs).

250cc classes (8-16yrs).

YOUTH PRODUCTION : Stock machine as built by manufacture or kit and meet the minimum safety

standards for the youth class. (Full roll cage suggested)

UNLIMITED YOUTH 250cc: Modified class must have cages built for racing and modifications are


1. All vehicles must pass technical inspection prior to Practice and or going to starting line. Failure to do

so will result in disqualification. The tech-inspection sticker must be placed on the cage next to the

steering wheel.

2. Once a vehicle goes thru technical inspection, no additional chassis modifications are permitted.

3. All factory suspension a-arm and trailing arm frame pivot points must remain in stock location.

4. Superchargers AND Turbos are ONLY allowed in turbo classes, Turbo SXS Production 1000

NOTE: Nitrous or any other pressurization/injection type system will not be allowed in any class.

6. All vehicles must have a fire extinguisher mounted on rear of the roll cage (driver side), easily


7. Race Numbers:

• Will be a minimum of eight (5 to 8) inches tall.

• Black numbers on white plates.

• Number shall be readable from both sides and rear facing of each car.

• Minimum four (5) inch number facing the front of the car above driver’s front window.

• Extra-large roof top panel numbers are beneficial.

• Side Door Numbers or the vehicle MUST have side “fin” numbers. (Behind the roll cage just

above the rear fenders on both sides.) preferred.

8. Aftermarket well-built roll cages made for racing are suggested in the 1000cc / Open racing classes.

Factory stock roll cages will be allowed. A factory cage can be modified/reinforced and tied into rear

bumper/frame at two points. Gusseting of the factory cage is highly encouraged. It will be up to the tech

inspection official to pass an OEM modified cage. You will be allowed one time use upon notification to

change it before next event.

9. A metal or plastic roof panel on the top of the cage is required, front window opening covered with

Shatter proof windshield or covered with mesh netting with minimum openings not larger than 1/2”,

recommended. If no window protection, then helmet must have a shield for face and eye protection.

10. Doors are required and must be mounted in a way as to not be able to pop open during racing. Factory

doors are approved, if undamaged but must be fully closed as to not allow any openings below the seat

and knee level.

11. Driver and or co-driver side nets and/or wrist/hand restraints are required.

12. Minimum 2” wide, 4 or 5 point restraint seatbelt system for both driver and or Co-Driver are

required. Restraints must be attached to the solid frame of the SXS. The 5 (five) point system must

include a center belt that is at least 2” wide.

13. Certified head restraint system certified by SFI or FIA is highly recommended and should be used for

all classes. A neck donut or restraining device is also (recommended).

14. SFI rated fire race suite is required. Full personal safety gear must be worn to include:

• Fire retardant suits must be worn that cover from neck to ankles.

• Helmets full face, fire rated gloves, goggles, racing shoes or boots.

• Motorcycle type jersey and pants will NOT be allowed as it is extremely flammable.

15. Tech Inspection hours will be posted or announced before the event and will need to be done before

the car goes onto the track. Hours may change at any given time before or during an event weekend. IT IS

THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE RACER to have their vehicle go through tech and vehicles must

complete technical Inspection prior to staging. A tech sticker or designated band will be placed on the

cage when the vehicle passes.

16. All SXS starting positions in heats will be staged by random luck draw from computer staging for

heat 1. The success of this will solely depend on the drivers working together. Races will be staged on

your heat finish for heat 2, position will be placed for main based off your heat 2 finish. All drivers will

run 3 races.

Classes exceeding 26 drivers will be split and run A main and a B main.

17. All SXS drivers and/or representative must attend and sign in at the mandatory drivers meeting on

event day at posted scheduled times at registration. They must stay for the entire meeting until dismissed.

18. All SXS must have full body plastics on vehicle. Stock OEM fuel tank and fuel delivery systems only.

19. All SXS must have front and rear fixed loop towing access points marked in red. Otherwise track crew

will be forced to tow at their discretion.

20. All special assist drivers (i.e. paraplegic, deaf, etc.) need to have a medical wheelchair sticker placed

on both sides of the front roll cage; so that our track staff can better assist the driver.

21. During any process where staff are on the race course under a yellow flag to recover or assist another

race vehicle, the 100 feet before and 50 feet after the incident are considered a safe zone. The max speed

in this area is 5mph. Racers cannot gain position on other racers in this flagged area. Any violation of this

safety zone will mean automatic penalty and or disqualification of the racer.

22. Red Flag: all drivers will move slowly to the staging area to be stopped, reorganized and a restart will

follow out of the staging circle.

23. If race is 50% complete before Red Flag, then after restart the race will finish with remaining laps for

that event.

24. If race is 90% complete upon red flag the race will be final based off the finishing lap of 90%.

25. Yellow flag conditions will not indicate a restart of that event, only Red Flag Conditions. Yellow flag

conditions may initiate a red Flag condition so please adhere to the yellow flag condition.

once through the yellow flag condition racing may presume if there is not another yellow flag condition

and continue to race back to the start. All yellow flag conditions are non – raceable sections.


Scoring will be based off Heat and Main for total Championship pts.

The following points system will be used to determine event winners.

1st place -20 pts

2nd place -16 pts

3rd place -13 pts

4th place – 11 pts

5th place – 10 pts

6th place – 9 pts

7th place – 8 pts

8th place – 7 pts

9th place – 6 pts

10th place – 5 pts

11th place – 4 pts

12th place – 3 pts

13th place – 2 pts

14th place and up – 1 pt. ea.

The same amount of points will be given to each placement regardless of the number of Drivers entered.

The Main finish is your placement for the event final for that day.

Total pts for Heats and Main go toward your Championship award.

Pro payout will be 100% of the entry Purse during the SXS series.

1. All riders finishing 15th place or beyond will receive 1 point per event.

2. To be eligible to receive Race finish points the unaided Driver and machine are required to cross the

finish line together unless they are instructed to do otherwise by the referee or the direct instruction of the

finish line official. Drivers must also complete over 50% of their allotted laps. Failure to comply can

result in the forfeit of race and finish points .

3. All DNF’s (Did Not Finish) will receive 1 point, providing that rule # 2 was followed.

a. DNS (Did not Start) will receive 1 pt. for attendance and has finished practice prior to moto.

4. If a Driver who takes a race win is disqualified, all drivers will move up and the race win will be given

to the second place driver respectively.

5. The driver receiving points in one race, but failing to participate in another race, does not forfeit points

earned in the other race.

6. Any driver who is injured and continues to drive and becomes a hazard to other riders or

self will be black flagged and removed from the track. They will not be disqualified unless they fail to

comply with the black flag.

7. In the event of a tie in points at the end of a Series, the driver with the most race entries will win the

Series title for that event, in the event there is still a tie, the driver with the most wins will be awarded the

Series title.


– Please receive protest form from Driver sign in. HRMC will then notify proper officials for

review. Please see FORMS page to view and download.

– Official will contact concerning Parties after review for discussion or decision.

– This discussion will be handled in a professional manner. All decisions will be final for that race.


• The penalty for “jumping out of order” off start can be disqualification. The start gate officials are

responsible for enforcing this requirement. A driver who jumps the start will be notified if he/she is

docked one lap by an official before the race is started if the group receives a Green/Yellow Cupped

waving flag you will be given the opportunity to continue back into the staging circle for another attempt.

If the same driver commits the infraction a second time, he/she will be black flagged and made to not run

that race. This could cause a red flag event on the starting grid and force the official to realign the group.

2. The penalty for “cutting the course” shall be disqualification for the day unless it is determined from all

possible Race Official witnesses and upon clear investigation that:

A) The infraction occurred as a measure to prevent immediate collision or injury to another driver.

Passes are not to be stretched into the infield you must remain on track surface to make the pass.

B) To avoid disqualification, the rider leaving the course should return to the track in a safe manner, not

gain a position or driver will be penalized 1 position at finish if such pass is successful.


Designated viewing areas will exist

4. Drivers and pit crew personal are to stay in designated areas, i.e., pit board row, behind barriers, signs

and fences.

Disregarding track rule safety procedures can be grounds for being expelled temporarily or permanently

from the facility, fined or forfeiture of the day’s event scoring with no refunds.

6. First Heat staging picks will randomly be generated from trackside program. The second Heat staging

pick will be a direct result of the finish order of the 1st Heat, i.e., 1st place in moto 1 will have the 1st

Row position #1 in Heat 2.

7. Drivers must proceed to their staging area in a slow safe manner prior to your event Know your race

and when it is and be there at staging immediately after the start of the race prior.

This allows ample time for position staging so the event can keep moving.

If your class is staging and you are not present, you will get a 2 minute notification. After the expiration

of the 2 minute warning the drivers will proceed to the main staging circle and you will forfeit your

position of start. A driver is allowed to have a pit crew member accompany them to the staging line for

race safety prep. No adjustments to the car will be allowed.

8. Appropriate gear must be worn at all times while driving on the track surface.

9. Parents of minors will not be allowed to scream at, slap, hit, swear at their driver (or anyone else’s

driver) or the HRMC staff, PERIOD. Parents may be required to sign a code of conduct prior to their

child racing at HRMC racing events. Parents can be asked to leave the premises if caught in violation of

the code of conduct. This Kind of action could result in permanent suspension from the HRMC Facility.

10. Drivers may use an alternate machine in a race if necessary, but machine must be of the same nature

as the one initially intended to race. An HRMC representative will have the final decision on alternate

Machine and it must clear tech prior.

11. Pit bikes will be allowed providing they are ridden safely. HRMC may suspend pit bike privileges. Do

not Abuse this privilege!! No riding without helmet, speeding, wheelies or Brodie’s, No Passenger can

ride on the back of any motorcycle without a helmet!!!

12. Pit bike racing will follow rules equivalent to AMA rules and at the decision of HRMC Official.

13. ALL DOGS MUST BE ON A LEASH and please clean up after your animals.

14. No bicycles in staging area or grandstand areas.

15. Power test and tune is to be done in designated trail areas. Test and tune are not allowed race day until

7:30 am. A short practice will be organized the day of the event to tune in your machines.


You could be disqualified for the day/or season for not obeying the following rules:

1. Riding any motorized bike/quad without a helmet, this includes in the pits.

2. Indecent Conduct of a driver or anyone associated with the driver (Arguing with any official or track

crew/ use of foul language) can be disqualified. This includes Disrespect toward HRMC organization,

families or the competitors and staff. The HRMC Facility is a family oriented facility; please respect

others around you, adults and kids alike. If you have an issue, please see track officials.

Distractions and heckling during events or practices is not tolerated in the facility. You will be asked to

leave. Please handle yourself in a professional manner. Violation of this rule could result in temporary or

permanent suspension from the facility.

Please be courteous to track staff, they are doing their job. Violation of this policy #2 above can result in

permanent suspension from the Facility.

3. Drivers can be disqualified if parent, family, or friends of drivers jump the fence onto the track surface

during a race. (This is a safety issue, if a rider is injured: please wait for an HRMC representative to

signal you to the track). Jumping across the fence or onto the track surface can result in the injury to that

person or others on the track and limit the EMT from performing his/her duties of caring for the driver

and incident.

4. Willful destruction of property, bldgs. (this includes the parking area).

NOTE: No washing of Machine air filters in bathroom sinks or displacing oil to the ground in an

Intentional manner. This is against the law and is punishable by Law. Use proper containers and do not

dispose in the dumpsters take it with you for proper disposal or use our reclaim station located at the


5. Use of drugs or alcohol during an event by a driver can be grounds for immediate disqualification.

6. Crossing the track in front of a driver, running out on the track during a race, or spectating in a manner

that will endanger yourself or other drivers.

7. No Racing, passing, or jumping in the vicinity of where a yellow flag/Medical flag is being displayed.

8. There will be no refunds if you are disqualified for any reason. No refunds after practice for that day’s

event. Circumstantial situations must be brought to a HRMC track official.

9. The driver/family is responsible for the conduct of all persons associated with their party; this includes

the night prior to an event.

A. HRMC values our drivers health and safety and we have a concussion policy that is strictly adhered to.

Please follow our medical staff recommendations and proceed with action to protect your driver or

yourself. If you fail the concussion policy test following a concussion you will not be allowed to continue

in the event for that day. All Medical staff has the authority to discuss and enforce the concussion policy

to the current symptoms.

For signs and symptoms of a concussion and the facility policy. Please see and request a copy of the

facility concussion policy ahead of time.

10. There is a noise limit in the complex; quiet hour is from 10:00pm to 7:00am. An HRMC official can

enforce disqualification for any infraction of this rule.

11. SPEED LIMIT-5 MPH helmets must be worn on all non-caged motorized vehicles, motorized

vehicles competing on any competition surface and or joy riding and trails must have a helmet Golf carts,

UTVS used in facility for transportation must adhere to the 5MPH speed limit this rule is strictly enforced

1st warning

2nd disqualification of your class

3rd End of your racing day or banned from the facility.

12. No spinning of tires (bikes/quads/autos) in grass or gravel area.

13. No track cutting or berm cutting.





1. A driver must compete in the specified number of race events in the designated series (day) to be

eligible for series championship awards. (Money, Trophies, Contingencies, etc.)

– Event is defined: The races that make up the individual day or night Series. The race format determines

the criteria for the event per day. Ex: RND #1 is an event; RND #2 is an event.

drivers cannot run half of their class and switch to another class and win the Championship in both

classes during the Series. (You have not met the criteria of the set Series). Drivers must complete the

minimum event criteria for that class.

EX: Must have raced 8 out of the 10 times in the any class.

2. A driver must compete in all scheduled events minus the set criteria for the race series, to meet

minimum qualification requirements, in all series events to be eligible for series championship awards.

(Money, trophies, contingencies, etc.) EX: “8 out of 10 events”, “9 out of 10 events

Please see current year flyer for that posted series requirement.

3. After 1 Series wins or 100pts accumulating in the D class (Beg), the rider will be required to advance

into the next higher class, i.e. C class. If a rider starts out in D class (Beg) and skill level is being

accomplished quickly then D class riders have the opportunity to move themselves and take

50% of his/her points with them to move up to the next class. If HRMC has to move you up do to a skill

level protest, then you will not be able to take your 50% pts with you. Attendance requirements for the

series will be honored to carry to next class level. The driver will start out next class at 0 pts if Officials

have to move the rider up to next class. If a rider knowingly enters a D class after racing other series

events elsewhere, the driver will be investigated from a protest and that rider will be disqualified from

that class and given the option to move into his/her next level and or appropriate class if evidence shows

to be true. No points will be awarded for this infraction. If a driver has previously raced, left the sport and

came back, he/she is not considered a D Level driver you must move up to another class.

4. In the event that a series champion has already began another series prior to the championship award,

he/she will be allowed to finish the previously started series in the division entered (leading riders should

view rule 8). All series started following a championship will be required to move to the next higher

division, i.e. D to C

Note policy #5 below.

5. After a driver advances out of the D class, he/she will not be permitted to return to D.

6. HRMC encourages our more accomplished D racers (SAND BAGGERS) to move themselves into the

C division or experienced class as soon as one feels his level has improved.

7. HRMC personnel will be randomly monitoring and timing various lap results to help ensure our racers

are competing at the appropriate level. In the event a racer is driving less than or beyond a level of his/her

current class status, HRMC officials are committed to the sport of racing as well as to the riders

themselves (and families if applies) in assessing which driving division is the most appropriate in regard

to driver safety and ability.

HRMC reserves the right to adjust driving levels.

HRMC requires 2 drivers constitute a class; however, final decision shall be made by track officials

whether enough drivers are available to run a class.


A rider must meet the age group requirement as of Jan 1st of the start of the current season.

If a driver is in a class and reaches that age level, he/she will be allowed to continue the series until


*Rules can change in advance of next series event. The rule changes if needed will be posted and drivers

notified prior to event.


Horn Rapids Motorsports Complex (HRMC) Park Rules

Version 22-121

We want this facility to be 100% family friendly and we will strive to achieve that goal. For everyone to enjoy this facility safely, it is necessary we have the following park rules:

All rules stated below can be enforced by HRMC staff and management. Violations to stated rules can range from verbal warnings up to and including suspension or expulsion, depending on frequency and severity.

All persons in the HRMC Facility must sign waiver forms before entering the facility. Minors 17 years old or younger must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or adult 18 or older. Minors can have a minor release signed and notarized by their guardian and or parent and kept on file at HRMC for current year. Each year a new one needs to be notarized. Also, a minor medical consent release form needs to be notarized as well to be kept onsite for 1 year. (These can be downloaded on this website under forms).

All persons that have not paid fees and received wristbands shall not be permitted to enter facilities or ride any offroad vehicles in the facility.

All wristbands for riders and spectators must be on your wrist, not on a bike, helmet, etc. You can be denied access to any track, trails, and/ or facility if you do not have the correct band on your wrist.

Campers must have appropriate camp pass and must have it displayed in camper visible to outside.

Other than events, gates close 1 hour after tracks and trails close. Anyone staying the evening can park outside main entrance if you need to be outside park after hours.

Emergency contact number in case of emergency (509) 496-2958

EMTs and/or medical personnel are on site during operation. Please contact one of the HRMC Flaggers and/ or call (509) 496-2958, the front office.

Speed limit inside the park is 5 MPH for all vehicles including motorcycles, pit bikes, ATVs, and UTVs except on courses and established areas. For all moving vehicles, operators and passengers must have on a secured approved helmet.

A helmet, long sleeve shirt, long pants, over the ankle boots and gloves must be worn while riding any off-road vehicle.

Please enter the track at the entry gate posted.

All riders must show wrist band to head flagger before entering track.

Exit the track at the posted exit gate only.

Obey all track flags and lights

No riding or driving on grass surfaces.

No brodies, wheelies or spinning tires in the parking lot area.

No riding backwards on any of the tracks. Please follow signs, tracks are one way only.

Skill based riding times are for your safety. Do not violate these riding times for any circumstances. Please see the head flagger for the days schedule posted. Rider is only allowed one session per hour. Rider is allowed to ride Area 51 during intermittent practice skill level rotations and or ride trails until his/her class is back up on the track.

Any accompaniment member should have a yellow flag if they are on the course with their rider and are asked to safety flag while on the track surface. Yellow flags are provided and must be returned upon departure.

Please put hazardous waste such as oil and antifreeze in appropriate containers. Under no circumstances should it be released to the ground surface. Violations of this rule can lead to immediate suspension of use of the facilities, and you will be responsible for all clean-up costs, fees, and fines by authorities.

Do not clean filters and gear in facility Showers and/or bathroom sinks, please use the bike wash rack provided.

ORV tabs are required by Washington State law.

It is suggested that hair below the shoulder be tucked in helmet or jersey and secured.

It is suggested that all necklace type jewelry be secured or removed as to not cause you a hazard.

Pets must be on a leash. Pets are not allowed on any track or trails at any time without a leash. You are responsible for your pet and their messes. “Do your Duty and clean up your pet duty”

Abuse or destruction of any part of the facility will not be tolerated. Any damage or vandalism to the facility, facility personnel or other park users will be the financial responsibility of the parent/guardian/responsible parties.

All users of the facility will conduct themselves in a manner that shows respect for all other users of this facility.

Illegal drugs and alcohol are not allowed on the premises.

Fighting or unruly behavior will not be tolerated. The police will eject anyone acting in such a manner or arrest and detain.

Thank you for your cooperation and let’s have fun!!!



Quad Policy

Effective date: Jan 1st, 2023

 As always at HRMC, Quads are welcome at all open practices on the Designated HRMC tracks, trails, and open areas. Quads can ride Area 51, trails, and Rush. However, to protect the sport we all love, there are some criteria that must be met:

All HRMC park rules apply

  • Quads must have an ATV band to ride Area 51, Rush, or the Trails.
  • Quads are not allowed to ride on the Main Mx Track.
    • (Unless designated for ATV Event and/or Practice).
  • Kill switches required on all tracks and trails, no exceptions.
  • Mini quads as a beginner riding skill level only and 90cc or below can use the Mx Pee Wee track under supervision if needed.
  • Nerf bars are advised for practice.
  • No sand paddle tires period on track surfaces.
    • Paddle tires on trails allowed but not advised as we have some hard pack areas.

HRMC expects courteous riding while sharing the track or trails. Any deliberate attempts to use your machine as a weapon are forbidden. If found, you will be asked to leave the facility immediately and face consequences up to and including being banned from the facilities and/or criminal charges for either party involved. This includes infractions on HRMC facilities such as parking lots and spectator areas.

On Occasion we have Specific Quad Practice and Events Specifically for your ATV, please see current Season Schedule for these events.


